Monday, January 14, 2013

Adding Interest

Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to Him for protection. Do not add to His words, or He may rebuke you and expose you as a liar. (Proverbs 30:5-6 NLT)

Why is it that we always want to add to stories that we hear to make them more interesting or exciting? A 4.0 earthquake becomes a 4.6 and then a 5.0 and then a 6.4. A five car pile-up on the interstate becomes 10 cars and then 20. An old man who likes being alone in his apartment, refuses a wellness check and the police are called, becomes a sniper picking off students at the university half a block away.

God will not put up with His word being exaggerated or distorted. That is one reason why it is so important for us to study the Bible for ourselves. We need to understand what the earthly writer intended to say. When we convey it, we need to convey those thoughts and nothing more. God knows that we have a tendency to add to His words. Protect his words. Those who add to his words may have to eat their own.